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The City of Frankfurters・フランクフルトの街・法兰克福人之城

Updated: May 18, 2023

@Frankfurt, Germany

I am a big believer in what Benjamin Franklin once said, “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” So last year in October, I embarked on a trip to visit 10 countries in one trip; a very high expectation I set for myself that I was determined to make.

My legs ached wanting adventure and escape. It was time to find meaning again within all the pieces that is life; to feel freedom comb through my hair like the air I would travel through. I packed up and headed out on my travels with two backpacks and a dream – to travel to 30 countries before I'm 30.

My tentative itinerary included the following countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, and Jordan.

Before even departing, the first unexpected happened when I realized the international train line between Bulgaria and Greece wasn’t running due to COVID restrictions. My original plan included a final train ride from Sofia to Athens, so I had to figure out a way to get to Athens another way – the only other option was to fly.

After calculating the costs for the train trips I was planning to take, merely looking at the price, the Eurail Pass was not worth it. But despite it not technically saving me much money (it will if you travel the more popular European countries), I ended up getting it because the convenience was worth it.

Now that the Eurail Pass has an APP, you can make a tentative plan on the Rain Planner App and plan your trip ahead of time. Compounded by reduced numbers of trains as well as suspended lines due to COVID-19, having the Eurail pass to simply flash around a QR code proved to be the best decision I made for this trip.

My first stop was Frankfurt, Germany.

A cloudy Frankfurt welcomed me to Germany, the “Land of Poets and Thinkers.” My COVID-19 vaccination card was enough to get me into Germany and all I had to do was complete a Passenger Locator form before departure and save it as a PDF.

At the Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof train station, there are lockers there that you can rent. I paid 5 euros for a medium-sized one so that I didn’t have to carry around my luggage.

I made stops at the Main Tower, where you can get a panoramic view 200m high as well as the Römerberg (“Roman Mountain”), which is the historic heart of Frankfurt.

The signature drink of Frankfurt is Apfelwein, which is like an apple cider and if you get the chance, you should definitely try German pancakes. Last but not least, don’t forget to try Bratwurst (German sausage) before heading out.









やや曇り空のフランクフルトは、「詩人と思想家の国」ドイツに私を迎えてくれました。COVID-19の予防接種カードだけでドイツに入国でき、あとは出発前にPassenger Locatorフォームを記入し、PDFを保存しておくだけで大丈夫でした。





我非常相信本杰明-富兰克林曾经说过的话,“要么写一些值得读的东西,要么做一些值得写的事情。” 因此,去年10月,我开始了访问10个国家的旅行;我为自己设定了一个非常高的期望,希望能够实现。

我的腿很痛,想要冒险和逃避。是时候在生活的所有碎片中再次找到意义了;感受自由就像我将要旅行的空气一样,梳理我的头发。我收拾好行李,带着两个背包和一个梦想出发了— 在我30岁之前去30个国家旅行的梦想


还没出发,第一个意外就发生了,我发现保加利亚和希腊之间的国际列车线路因COVID-19没有运行。我最初的计划包括从索非亚到雅典的最后一趟火车,所以我不得不想出一个办法来代替火车前往雅典 — 唯一的选择就是飞机。


现在Eurail欧铁通票有一个APP,你可以在Rain Planner应用上做一个暂定的计划,提前计划想坐的火车。再加上火车数量减少以及因COVID-19而暂停的线路,购买可以简单通过扫描二维码乘车的Eurail通票,证明是我为这次旅行做出的最好的决定。


多云的法兰克福欢迎我来到德国,一个 "诗人和思想家之国"。我的COVID-19疫苗接种卡足以让我进入德国,我所要做的就是在前往德国前完成一份乘客定位表,并将其保存为PDF格式。


我参观了美茵塔,在那里你可以看到200米高的全景,还参观了罗马贝格广场 (Römerberg),它是法兰克福的历史中心。



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