"Den Chan The Cat Who Crossed the Ocean"
「デンちゃん 海を渡った猫」
“Den酱 漂洋过海的猫”
The True Story of an Orange Tabby Cat and a Multicultural Family
An English, Japanese, and Chinese Children's Book you can read in three languages. Written with the hope of instilling an interest in children towards learning languages and going abroad.

😺 3 Bilingual Children’s Book Versions: Japanese & English, English & Chinese, Chinese & Japanese
🐈 3つのバイリンガル絵本のバージョン:日本語と英語、英語と中国語、中国語と日本語
😻 三册双语儿童绘本:日英对照,英中对照,中日对照
The price of the books are set at $22.22 because it connects directly with Japanese culture. Every year in Japan, February 22nd is celebrated as National Cat Day, as the date resembles the words “nyan nyan nyan” (meow meow meow).
儿童书的定价为 22.22 美元,因为它与日本文化直接相关。在日本,每年的 2 月 22 日都被定为 "全国猫日",因为这一天与 "nyan nyan nyan"(喵喵喵)谐音。

About the Author
Ann is a polyglot who speaks English, Japanese, and Mandarin Chinese. She grew up in a family of educators and has loved teaching the languages she knows to anyone from elementary students to adults.
Ever since she could write, she has loved putting words onto paper and has been fascinated by the idea of making stories with them. Her love for reading has been encouraged by all of the countless libraries she has visited throughout her lifetime spanning 30 countries.
Her favorite things to do in her free time are to go cafe-hopping, bake, cook, be surrounded by books at the library, and enjoy the outdoors.
You can currently catch her writing a sequel for her first book (“Den Chan The Cat Who Crossed the Ocean”) in Texas while living with her adopted tabby kitten. She named her Mikan (‘tangerine’ in Japanese).
現在はテキサス州で、保護した茶トラの子猫(メスの「みかん」ちゃん)と暮らしながら、本書『デンちゃん 海を渡った猫』の続編を執筆中です。
自从会写字起,她就喜欢把文字写在纸上,并对用文字编故事的想法着迷。她一生中去过的 30 个国家内,访问了无数图书馆,这些图书馆鼓励了她对阅读的热爱。
目前,她正在得克萨斯州为这本书(《Den酱 漂洋过海的猫》)写续集,同时与她收养的虎斑橘小猫住在一起。她给小猫起名叫 Mikan(日语的 "橘子")